4 Ways I Decluttered My Life


I found that the energy in my home had shifted. I was so unsettled and didn’t feel comfortable in my own home. It was difficult for me to concentrate when working and even to rest at night. I wasn’t at peace. Have you ever felt this way? After a while, I realized that the clutter in my home was really throwing off the energy and impacting my mood at home. I wanted to share at least 4 ways I decluttered my life and home to change my energy.

Sort Mail Immediately

If you get junk mail, trash (or recycle) it as soon as it enters your home. Don’t let it linger or it will stay for a while. Place everyone’s mail that needs to be opened in a designated bin to go through weekly. When we sort mail, I also create a burn pile. We have a fire pit and fire place, so we just burn sensitive information to be safe. You can also create a shred pile if necessary.

Sort Your Closet

Take time to go through your closet and figure out what you need. If you can’t fit it, haven’t worn it or it’s damaged—let it go. It may also simply be out of season. If so, remove those items from your dresser or closet and put them in a designated area or bin to keep store away until the season returns.

Get Rid of Bulky Stuff

I looked through my house and realized that my home was not only a bad reflection of me and my personality, but it also was a major contributing factor to my anxiety. There was so much large bulky furniture taking up a lot of space and didn’t allow for much breathing room in my home. So I donated our dresser, nightstands, desk and got rid of our bookcase that was broken. This really opened up our bedroom and revealed space that I didn’t even realize we had. I felt instantly better.

Create a Home for Everything

Something I struggle with is putting things back where they belong. The difficult part is also when those “things” don’t necessarily have a place where they belong. I may always leave it on the table or dresser, but that’s not really where it should be. I began to create sections in drawers and organize bins to make a better system for certain personal items like makeup, hair care products and medicine. This made me feel like a major adult and created a place for me to return things to when I was done.

I try to keep up with these rituals weekly or monthly, depending on what is most pertinent. This will definitely help you mind feel lighter and free at home. How do you declutter your life?