What Legacy Will You Leave: Three Ways You Can Make an Impact in the World

There are about seven billion people on our planet. Yet, every year there are a handful of people who are added to our personal lists of people who we won’t forget. It may be because of how they came to the Earth, left the Earth or what they did with their time on the Earth. I don’t know about you, but I’d love to leave an impact on the memories and lives of others because I did something great. Leave an imprint on someone’s heart or spirit because I’ve helped them in some way. Do you have this same desire?

Here are three ways you can make an impact in the world:

Use Your Talents and Influence for the Greater Good

Three Ways You Can Make an Impact in the World

Three Ways You Can Make an Impact in the World

Everyone has a talent, big and small. At times, we have talents that we don’t even know that we possess or we don’t know how to use them to help others. For example, I’m a marketer by trade, but I’m also a writer. It’s something I’ve worked at and developed, not just to make a living, but to impact and encourage others.

So when I write, I think of what I want someone to learn or get out of it. I write to bring change to someone’s mindset or spirit. When you utilize your talent, how are you thinking of others?

[bctt tweet="When you utilize your talent, how are you thinking of others?" username="aishadherring"]

Don’t Just Take, Give Back

Three Ways You Can Make an Impact in the World

Three Ways You Can Make an Impact in the World

My mind is often baffled at the amount of people who are millionaires in the world, but yet there are people hungry, homeless or living in poverty. I just don’t understand how it takes a world changing event, for these privileged individuals to cough up a coin. I think if we all gave in the world, then we’d eventually help end poverty, homelessness and hunger.

[bctt tweet="If we all gave in the world, then we’d help end poverty, homelessness & hunger." username="aishadherring"]

Maybe it would be better if we looked at money as if it’s not our own, but something that belongs to everyone and is recyclable, because technically it is. Even if you aren’t a millionaire, find an organization and dedication a portion of your income to them every month. It can help change someone’s life and it will make you feel good.

Stand Up for What You Believe In

Three Ways You Can Make an Impact in the World

Three Ways You Can Make an Impact in the World

Standing up for what you believe in is something that can help you find purpose and fulfillment. You can live out a life sharing your voice and your passion, not being silenced or holding it in. Not only can this be something that helps you, but it’s something that can help others.

[bctt tweet="Standing up for what you believe in is something that can help you find purpose and fulfillment." username="aishadherring"]

Think of something that you might believe in, that no one else is standing up for or doing anything about. Why are you silenced? Think of how many others may be silenced and how your voice could free them. Think of Black Lives Matter, they did exactly this and helped many find their purpose in life by supporting that movement.

These are just three simple ways that you can make an impact, big or small. We all should be working daily to improve the lives and communities around us, because that’s what’s going to sustain us as a society. While you’re making these differences, you’ll also be making your imprint and leaving your legacy.

[bctt tweet="We all should be working daily to improve the lives & communities around us." username="aishadherring"]

What will people say about you? What legacy are you leaving? [Comment Below]

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